With effect from 1 Jan 2024, GST rate will be increased from 8% to 9%. For more information, click here to visit IRAS on the GST Rate Change for Consumers.

Our mission is to remove anxiety from the world with reliable security services.

Our mission is to remove anxiety from the world with reliable security services.

We will never stop seeking to deliver peace of mind “AnShin” to our customers.


Year of establishment



3.6 million

Global Expansion Since


In this era of amplified uncertainties, to accelerate the realization of its Social System Industry vision which describes a framework of distinctive, integrated services and systems, SECOM has formulated the SECOM Group’s Vision for 2030.

SECOM's Vision for 2030

By creating its ANSHIN Platform,
SECOM aims to provide enduring peace of mind to an ever-changing society.


The ANSHIN Platform is a service platform anchored in the relationship of trust that SECOM has cultivated with society.
This platform is designed to provide peace of mind to people in their everyday lives, as well as to society as a whole.



Peace of mind, whatever and wherever necessary

Peace of mind, for anyone and everyone


Peace of mind, seamlessly